Connect with those closest to you

For some, living in the time of COVID has put strain on the relationships closest to them. Sharing the same spaces for hours on end, limited socializing outside of the home, and the general feelings of uncertainty associated with this season is quite stressful on some relationships.
How can we overcome these challenges and ensure our relational well-being?
We looked around a discovered that Psychology Today has a lot to share when it comes to getting along better with those you already love.
According to the blog, little acts on kindness go a long way to reinforce feelings of support and love in your close relationships!
It doesn’t have to be a big gesture, as long as it’s heartfelt. Think of it as depositing love in your emotional bank account. The kinder you are, the more kindness you will receive. Your loved ones may not be as receptive at the start as you might like, but once they feel it, they will usually reciprocate.
Another simple strategy to help build your close relationships is to remind them you love them!
No matter what happens, if you keep the love flowing, things will get better. When we are feeling a little off, hearing “I love you” can make the difference between a good day and a bad one.
There is so much you can do to help support your relational well-being!